
Zaccheroni doesn’t reveal his plans

di Andrea Rosselli


Before the start of today's closed-door training session, the last one before tomorrow evening's march against Fiorentina, coach Alberto Zaccheroni met the journalists in the press room of...

Redazione Toro News

di Andrea Rosselli

Before the start of today's closed-door training session, the last one before tomorrow evening's march against Fiorentina, coach Alberto Zaccheroni met the journalists in the press room of the Centro Sisport.

The first questions inevitably regarded Fiore's outburst at the end of the Cagliari match. "I spoke with Stefano yesterday, he wanted to clarify what he meant with his words, but let me keep for myself what we said. Unfortunately, you can't always field a player in his favourite position: Fiore is an offensive midfielder, and I ask him to be offensive".

As for Wednesday's lineup, Zac didn't confirm whether he's thinking about fielding two strikers (as president Cairo would like) instead of two offensive midfielders with only Stellone upfront, like in Cagliari. "The tactical aspect is always delicate, but I already have in mind what to do. It's true that we must improve offensively, but we'll be able to do that only after having reached an adequate defensive solidity. We obtained good results with the 3-men midfield, but two out of the four midfielders at my disposal are injured".

With Muzzi still bothered by a muscular problem and Konan definitely out with an ankle injury, Oguro can be a solution? "With Oguro there was an obvious communication problem, but now we're slowly solving it. He's a very good professional, I take him into big consideration. But as I said, we don't have an offensive problem: the whole team must improve, and when this will happen we'll start scoring more goals. Soccer is a team sport".

With regards to Fiorentina, Zac said that "I'd never sign for a draw before the match. My team must always play to win and that's what we'll do tomorrow as well, although we know that Fiorentina are a great team".

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